select account_id , convert(nvarchar(40) ,null) displayname


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select account_id
     , convert(nvarchar(40) ,null) displayname
     , sum(reputation) [total rep]
     , count(*) [# sites]
     , sum(question_count) [# questions]
     , sum(answer_count) [# answers]
     , min(s.database_name) [db]
into #accounts
from sede_users u
inner join sede_sites s on s.site_id = u.site_id
group by account_id
having sum(reputation) > 9000

  select du.displayname [Link]
       , a.[total rep]
  from #accounts a
  inner join users du on du.accountid = a.account_id
  where a.db = db_name()

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