Stack Overflow questions with a specific tag


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Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

  Posts as P
  LOWER(P.Tags) LIKE '%<java>%'
  AND P.CreationDate BETWEEN '2018-12-01' AND '2020-09-30'
  -- AND P.ParentId IS NOT NULL
  P.ViewCount DESC;
 FROM Posts
 -- LOWER(P.Tags) LIKE '<javascript>'
 -- AND P.CreationDate BETWEEN '2018-12-01' AND '2020-09-30'
 -- AND P.ParentId IS NULL
 PostTypeId = 1
 -- Tags = 'java'

FROM Posts p
JOIN PostTags pt on pt.PostId = p.Id
JOIN Tags t on t.Id = pt.TagId
WHERE TagId in
  SELECT id from Tags where tagname LIKE 'authentication' or tagname LIKE '.htaccess' or tagname LIKE 'security' or tagname LIKE 'ssl' or tagname LIKE 'encryption' or tagname LIKE 'random' or tagname LIKE 'cookies' or tagname LIKE 'https' or tagname LIKE 'oauth-2.0' or tagname LIKE 'hash' or tagname LIKE 'oauth' or tagname LIKE 'jwt' or tagname LIKE 'permissions' or tagname LIKE 'openssl' or tagname LIKE 'cryptography' or tagname LIKE 'cors' or tagname LIKE 'geolocation' or tagname LIKE 'ssl-certificate' or tagname LIKE 'passwords' or tagname LIKE 'authorization' or tagname LIKE 'gps' or tagname LIKE 'certificate' or tagname LIKE 'location' or tagname LIKE 'key' or tagname LIKE 'single-sign-on' or tagname LIKE 'aes' or tagname LIKE 'rsa' or tagname LIKE 'cross-domain' or tagname LIKE 'openid-connect' or tagname LIKE 'csrf' or tagname LIKE 'xss' or tagname LIKE 'access-token' or tagname LIKE 'android-permissions' or tagname LIKE 'md5' or tagname LIKE 'sql-injection' or tagname LIKE 'digital-signature' or tagname LIKE 'tls1.2' or tagname LIKE 'vpn' or tagname LIKE 'x509certificate' or tagname LIKE 'bouncycastle' or tagname LIKE 'firewall' or tagname LIKE 'content-security-policy' or tagname LIKE 'keystore' or tagname LIKE 'code-signing' or tagname LIKE 'code-injection' or tagname LIKE 'bcrypt' or tagname LIKE 'tracking' or tagname LIKE 'lets-encrypt' or tagname LIKE 'hashcode' or tagname LIKE 'ssh-keys' or tagname LIKE 'sha256' or tagname LIKE 'keychain' or tagname LIKE 'public-key-encryption' or tagname LIKE 'x509' or tagname LIKE 'checksum' or tagname LIKE 'sha1' or tagname LIKE 'gnupg' or tagname LIKE 'password-protection' or tagname LIKE 'cryptojs' or tagname LIKE 'private-key' or tagname LIKE 'hmac' or tagname LIKE 'client-certificates' or tagname LIKE 'sha' or tagname LIKE 'keytool' or tagname LIKE 'password-encryption' or tagname LIKE 'public-key' or tagname LIKE 'privacy' or tagname LIKE 'owasp' or tagname LIKE 'sanitization' or tagname LIKE 'tor' or tagname LIKE 'salt-cryptography' or tagname LIKE 'pem' or tagname LIKE 'x509certificate2' or tagname LIKE 'mcrypt' or tagname LIKE 'pycrypto' or tagname LIKE 'malware' or tagname LIKE 'pki' or tagname LIKE 'self-signed' or tagname LIKE 'crypto++' or tagname LIKE 'encryption-symmetric' or tagname LIKE 'ecdsa' or tagname LIKE 'ca' or tagname LIKE 'elliptic-curve' or tagname LIKE 'des' or tagname LIKE 'django-csrf' or tagname LIKE 'cryptoapi' or tagname LIKE 'pfx' or tagname LIKE 'antiforgerytoken' or tagname LIKE 'csrf-token' or tagname LIKE 'diffie-hellman' or tagname LIKE 'penetration-testing' or tagname LIKE 'checkmarx' or tagname LIKE 'spoofing' or tagname LIKE 'esapi' or tagname LIKE 'cross-site' or tagname LIKE 'malware-detection' or tagname LIKE 'man-in-the-middle' or tagname LIKE 'antixsslibrary' or tagname LIKE 'anonymize' or tagname LIKE 'anonymity'
) AND p.PostTypeId = 1

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