Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
with two_answers as ( select min(a.Id) first, max(a.Id) last from Posts q join Posts a on q.Id = a.ParentId where q.AnswerCount = 2 -- and q.ViewCount <= 100 group by q.Id having getdate() - max(a.CreationDate) > 30 ) select avg(cast(isnull(f.Score, 0) as float)), avg(cast(isnull(l.Score, 0) as float)), round(avg(cast(isnull(f.Score, 0) as float) - cast(isnull(l.Score, 0) as float)), 2) FGITW from two_answers join Posts f on f.Id = first join Posts l on l.Id = last where isnull(f.Score, 0) >= 0 and isnull(l.Score, 0) >= 0 and f.CreationDate < l.CreationDate -- and datediff(minute, f.CreationDate, l.CreationDate) between 1 and 5