Active bounties in a tag


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Lists all posts that have had a bounty opened

Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

CREATE TABLE #BountyQuestion (Id int, Score int, Tags nvarchar (150))
INSERT #BountyQuestion
SELECT Posts.Id, Posts.Score, Posts.Tags
FROM Posts
    INNER JOIN Votes             ON Posts.Id       = Votes.PostId
    INNER JOIN PostTags          ON Posts.Id       = PostTags.PostId
    INNER JOIN Tags              ON PostTags.TagId =
WHERE   Posts.PostTypeId         = 1         -- PostTypeId = 1 ->Question
    AND Votes.VoteTypeId         = 8         -- VoteTypeId = 8 -> BountyStart
    AND AnswerCount              = 0
    AND Tags.TagName   = '##TagName##'

SELECT Id AS [Post Link], Score, Tags FROM #BountyQuestion
--SELECT Id FROM #BountyQuestion
--             SELECT Votes.VoteTypeId FROM Votes, Posts Answers 
--                WHERE Votes.PostId = Answers.Id
--                AND Answers.ParentId=#BountyQuestion.Id
--            )

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