Created as a copy of Displays top 25 users getting reputation from bounties. Ordered by percent of reputation gained from bounties. Only users with reputation >1k taken.
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
-- Who gets the most of his/her reputation from bounties? -- Created as a copy of -- Displays top 25 users getting reputation from bounties. Ordered by -- percent of reputation gained from bounties. -- Only users with reputation >1k taken. select top 100 (dense_rank() OVER (ORDER BY (sum(bountyamount)*100./users.reputation) DESC) -0) AS [Rank], owneruserid [User Link], count(1) [Bounty Answers Provided], sum(bountyamount) [Bounty Amount Won], users.reputation [Reputation], sum(bountyamount)*100./users.reputation [% Reputation gained on bounties] from posts p,votes, users where = postid and and votetypeid = 9 and users.reputation>2000 group by owneruserid, users.reputation order by 6 desc