Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
-- TagName: Filter questions by this tag. Leave empty (' ') to list all questions. -- Some deleted posts still live in PostLinks.RelatedPostId because they are the -- closure target of a non-deleted post. I've excluded those from the query below. -- When was the new duplicate-closure system (with real banners rather than ad -- hoc markdown) implemented? <http://meta.stackexchange.com/q/166707/224428> DECLARE @lti3_start_date AS datetime = ( SELECT MIN(CreationDate) FROM StackOverflow..PostLinks WHERE LinkTypeId = 3); WITH raw AS ( -- grab both real duplicate banners and pseudo duplicate banners SELECT PostId, RelatedPostId FROM PostLinks AS pl WHERE pl.LinkTypeId = 3 -- duplicate UNION SELECT PostId, RelatedPostId FROM PostLinks AS pl WHERE pl.LinkTypeId = 1 AND pl.CreationDate < @lti3_start_date -- safety check AND EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Posts AS p WHERE p.Id = pl.PostId AND p.Body LIKE '%<blockquote> <p><strong>Possible Duplicate:</strong><br> <a href="%/questions/' + CAST(pl.RelatedPostId AS nvarchar) + '/%</a> </p> </blockquote>%' ) ) SELECT DISTINCT TOP 1000 (SELECT COUNT(PostId) FROM raw AS r2 WHERE r1.RelatedPostId = r2.RelatedPostId) AS [DuplicateCount], r1.RelatedPostId AS [Post Link], p.Score, p.ViewCount AS [Views], p.FavoriteCount AS [Favs], p.Tags FROM raw AS r1 INNER JOIN Posts AS p ON r1.RelatedPostId = p.Id WHERE ##TagName:string? ## = ' ' OR ##TagName## IN ( SELECT t.TagName FROM Tags AS t INNER JOIN PostTags AS pt ON pt.TagId = t.Id WHERE pt.PostId = p.Id ) ORDER BY [DuplicateCount] DESC, [ViewCount] DESC