Questions close to be nice, good, great or favorite


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Looks for posts with 9, 24, 99 total score Or favorited by 24 people Ordered by most remarquable then by total views

Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

-- Questions close to be nice, good, great or favorite
-- Looks for posts with 9, 24, 99 total score
-- Or favorited by 24 people
-- Ordered by most remarquable then by total views

set nocount on 

declare @VoteStats table (PostId int, up int, down int, fav int) 

insert @VoteStats
    up = sum(case when VoteTypeId = 2 then 1 else 0 end), 
    down = sum(case when VoteTypeId = 3 then 1 else 0 end),
    fav =sum(case when VoteTypeId = 5 then 1 else 0 end)
from Votes
where VoteTypeId in (2,3,5)
group by PostId

set nocount off

select top 100 as [Post Link] , up-down as score, fav, ViewCount, up, down from @VoteStats 
join Posts p on PostId = p.Id
where ( ((ViewCount >990 and ViewCount < 1000) or (up - down = 9) or (up - down = 24) or (up - down > 95 and up-down < 100) or (fav=24))) and p.CommunityOwnedDate is null and p.ClosedDate is null
order by fav desc,up-down desc,ViewCount desc

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