Best accept rate percentage


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Find users with the best accept rates, ordered by accept rate and total number of answers. Those with less than 5 answers are excluded.

Stack Overflow

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-- Best accept rate percentage
-- Find users with the best accept rates, ordered by accept rate and total number of answers. Those with less than 5 answers are excluded.

DECLARE @MinRate float = ##MinRate:float##

    t.OwnerUserId AS [User Link],
    Round(t.Accepted * 100.0 / t.Total, 1) AS [Percent]
         Count(a.Id) AS [Total],
         Sum(CASE q.AcceptedAnswerId WHEN a.Id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS [Accepted]
       FROM Posts AS a
         JOIN Posts AS q
           ON a.ParentId = q.Id
       WHERE q.postTypeId = 1 AND a.postTypeId = 2 AND a.OwnerUserId <> q.OwnerUserId
       GROUP BY a.OwnerUserId
   ) AS t 
WHERE t.[Total] >= 6 AND (CAST(t.[Accepted] AS FLOAT) / t.[Total]) >= @MinRate
ORDER BY (CAST(t.[Accepted] AS FLOAT) / t.[Total]) DESC, t.[Total] DESC

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