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declare SITES cursor for select Substring(Name, 0, Len(Name) - 4), Name from sys.Databases where Name like '%.Meta' and not Name = 'StackExchange.Meta' --UNION -- select 'StackExchange.Meta' create table #sitestats ( Site NVarchar(250), SName NVarchar(100), PostDate DateTime, PostCount integer); declare @sitedbname as NVarchar(100), @sitemetaname as NVarchar(100), @query as NVarchar(1000), @metric as integer, @elections as NVarchar(10) ; open SITES fetch next from SITES into @sitedbname, @sitemetaname while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN declare @org as NVarchar(100), @http as NVarchar(100), @pos as int; -- convert the DBName in to a URL for the result set. select @org = lower(@sitedbname), @http = 'http://', @pos = CharIndex('.', @sitedbname); if @pos > 0 begin select @http = @http + substring(@org, @pos + 1, len(@org) - @pos) + '.', @org = left(@org, @pos - 1) end select @http = @http + @org + '.com' --print 'Processing site ' + @sitedbname + ' -> ' + @http --Add whatever sub-URL you want to the http url: select @http = @http + '/users/' set @query = ' insert into #sitestats select ''' + @http + '|' + @sitedbname + ''', ''' + @sitedbname + ''', cast (CreationDate as Date), Count(*) from [' + @sitedbname + ']..Posts group by cast (CreationDate as Date)'; EXEC sp_executesql @query fetch next from SITES into @sitedbname, @sitemetaname END close SITES deallocate SITES ; select * from #sitestats order by SName, PostDate ;