Returns 20 question posts with the highest Score/View ratio, (arguably) being a measure of the post quality (as opposed to - popularity).
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
DECLARE @MinScore int = ##MinScore## DECLARE @MinViews int = ##MinViews## -- Just to avoid very high SVRatio (sometimes 1) for new questions -- Setting min values drastically changes the results, as perhaps -- there is a power law relation of Score/Views, not a linear relation SELECT TOP 20 P.Id as [Post Link], CAST(P.Score AS FLOAT) / CAST(P.ViewCount AS FLOAT) SVRatio, P.Score Score, P.ViewCount Views, P.CreationDate CreationDate FROM Posts P WHERE P.PostTypeId = 1 -- only question posts AND P.Score >= @MinScore AND P.ViewCount >= @MinViews ORDER BY SVRatio DESC