All users which have the necessary reputation and badges for the 2011 Stack Overflow Moderator election taking part at the end of the year.
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
-- Users eligible for 2011 Stack Overflow moderator elections -- All users which have the necessary reputation and badges for the 2011 Stack Overflow Moderator election taking part at the end of the year. Select Id, DisplayName, Reputation from Users where Reputation > 3000 and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Civic Duty') and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Strunk & White') and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Deputy') and exists (Select Id from Badges b where b.UserId = Users.Id and b.Name = 'Convention') order by DisplayName asc