Biggest UpVoters


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Stack Overflow

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-- Biggest UpVoters

SELECT TOP ##MaxNumUsers:int?100##
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reputation DESC) AS [# by Rep],
  Id as [User Link],
  ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY DownVotes DESC) AS [# by DownVotes],
  UpVotes as [Up Votes],
  DownVotes [Down Votes],
  UpVotes - DownVotes as [Net Votes],
  ROUND((100.0 * UpVotes / (UpVotes + DownVotes) ), 2) as [Up Votes PCT],
  FROM Users
  WHERE DownVotes > ##DownVotesGreaterThan:int?1##
   and UpVotes >= ##MinUpVotes:int?1##
   and Reputation >= ##MinReputation:int?50000##
  --ORDER BY [Down Votes PCT] DESC, [Net Votes] DESC
  -- Alternate ordering
  --ORDER BY [Net Votes] ASC, [Down Votes PCT] DESC
  ORDER BY [Up Votes PCT] DESC, [Up Votes] DESC

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