Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
select '0' as [Cut Off], count(distinct UserId) as [Users With Favs], count(distinct Users.Id) as [User Count], (count(distinct UserId) * 100.0) / count(distinct Users.Id) as [Percent] from Users left join Votes on UserId = Users.Id and VoteTypeId = 5 union all select '200' as [Cut Off], count(distinct UserId) as [Users With Favs], count(distinct Users.Id) as [User Count], (count(distinct UserId) * 100.0) / count(distinct Users.Id) as [Percent] from Users left join Votes on UserId = Users.Id and VoteTypeId = 5 where Reputation > 200 union all select '1000' as [Cut Off], count(distinct UserId) as [Users With Favs], count(distinct Users.Id) as [User Count], (count(distinct UserId) * 100.0) / count(distinct Users.Id) as [Percent] from Users left join Votes on UserId = Users.Id and VoteTypeId = 5 where Reputation > 1000 union all select '10000' as [Cut Off], count(distinct UserId) as [Users With Favs], count(distinct Users.Id) as [User Count], (count(distinct UserId) * 100.0) / count(distinct Users.Id) as [Percent] from Users left join Votes on UserId = Users.Id and VoteTypeId = 5 where Reputation > 10000