Top 50 most stingy power users


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Computes the ratio of total reputation to up vote rep, to reveal the users who have gained more reputation than they have distributed to the community. Users must have more than 1000 rep. Does not consider down votes, ignores the fact that questions only receive 5 rep points, ignores accepted answer rep and bounties, and ignores users who have not up-voted at all.

Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

-- Top 50 most stingy power users
-- Computes the ratio of total reputation to up vote rep, to reveal the users who have gained more reputation than they have distributed to the community.
-- Users must have more than 1000 rep. Does not consider down votes, ignores the fact that questions only receive 5 rep points, ignores accepted answer rep and bounties, and ignores users who have not up-voted at all.

select top 50
  Id as [User Link],
  DownVotes as "Down Votes"
  DownVotes > 0
  Reputation > 0
order by
  DownVotes desc

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