What is my h-index?


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Your h-index is the highest number n, such that you have at least n questions/answers, all of which have at least n score.

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select top(0) * from users as u cross apply
(select top(1) p.score from posts  as p
cross apply (select 1 as xyzzy from posts as p2 where (p.owneruserid=p2.owneruserid and p.score<p2.score)) p3
--inner join posts as p2 on (p.owneruserid=p2.owneruserid and p.score<p2.score)
where p.owneruserid=u.id
group by p.score, p.id
having p.score<=count(*)
order by p.score desc) as zzyscore
order by zzyscore.score desc

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