User's percent closed questions (Q >= 50)


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Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

CREATE TABLE #userQs (userid int, asked int);

INSERT #userQs (userid, asked)
SELECT q.OwnerUserid, COUNT(q.Id)
FROM Posts Q 
WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1
GROUP BY q.OwnerUserId

CREATE TABLE #userClosedQs (userid int, closed int);
INSERT #userClosedQs (userid, closed)
SELECT q.OwnerUserid, COUNT(q.Id)
FROM Posts Q 
WHERE q.PostTypeId = 1
AND q.ClosedDate IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY q.OwnerUserId

select #userQs.userid as [User Link], asked, closed,
  100 * closed / asked AS "Percent Closed"
from #userQs
JOIN #userClosedQs
on #userQs.userid = #userClosedQs.userid
where asked >= 50
ORDER BY "Percent Closed" DESC

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