Find tags that differ only in hyphenation or pluralization
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
SELECT t1.Count AS [Count 1], CASE WHEN Len(e1.Body) > 0 THEN Len(e1.Body) ELSE NULL END AS [Excerpt 1], CASE WHEN Len(w1.Body) > 0 THEN Len(w1.Body) ELSE NULL END AS [Wiki 1], 'site://tags/' + t1.TagName + '|' + t1.TagName AS [Tag 1], t2.Count AS [Count 2], CASE WHEN Len(e2.Body) > 0 THEN Len(e2.Body) ELSE NULL END AS [Excerpt 2], CASE WHEN Len(w2.Body) > 0 THEN Len(w2.Body) ELSE NULL END AS [Wiki 2], 'site://tags/' + t2.TagName + '|' + t2.TagName AS [Tag 2] FROM Tags t1 LEFT JOIN Posts e1 ON t1.ExcerptPostId = e1.Id LEFT JOIN Posts w1 ON t1.WikiPostId = w1.Id, Tags t2 LEFT JOIN Posts e2 ON t2.ExcerptPostId = e2.Id LEFT JOIN Posts w2 ON t2.WikiPostId = w2.Id WHERE -- t1 is the tag with the highest use count, or failing that the -- first in lexicographic order (t1.Count > t2.Count OR (t1.Count = t2.Count AND t1.TagName < t2.TagName)) AND -- Exclude very short tag names, as they seem to be mostly false positives -- see Len(t1.TagName) >= 4 AND Len(t2.TagName) >= 4 AND -- Strip hyphens, and strip 's' before a hyphen or at the end Replace(Replace(t1.TagName + '-', 's-', ''), '-', '') = Replace(Replace(t2.TagName + '-', 's-', ''), '-', '') ORDER BY t2.Count DESC, t1.Count DESC, t1.TagName ASC, t2.TagName ASC