List all the users with at least R reputation on any site in the data dump. Includes a link to the user's profile page on each site.
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/* Inspiration for cross-site query from: Mark Hurd, Tim Stone, */ /* We build a dynamic query as a prelude, then @Template for each site with @Separator in between, and finally a postlude. First, the template, which may contain the following escape strings: ~n the "pretty" site name (or close enough), e.g. 'Dba' ~u the URL of the site, e.g. ~~ a literal '~' "DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT" avoids a collation conflict between Tex and the other sites. Thanks to Sem Vanmeenen ( and Tim Stone ( The EmailHash could allow us to identify the same user on multiple sites (assuming that the user uses the same email address on every site), but this query does not use it yet. */ DECLARE @Template VARCHAR(MAX) = '( SELECT ~n AS [Site Name], ~u + ''/users/'' + Cast(Id AS VarChar(10)) + ''|'' + (DisplayName COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT) AS [User], Reputation, EmailHash FROM ~.Users WHERE Reputation >= ##Threshold## )' DECLARE @Separator VARCHAR(MAX) = ' UNION ALL ' /*Perform the escape string replacement*/ DECLARE @Query NVARCHAR(MAX) = Replace(Replace(Replace(( SELECT Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(@Template, '~n', '''' + Replace(Left([Name], Len([Name])-9), 'StackExchange.', '') + ''''), '~u', '''http://' + Lower( CASE WHEN [Name] LIKE 'StackExchange.%.Meta.Exported' THEN 'meta.' + Substring([Name], 15, Len([Name])-28) + '.stackexchange' WHEN [Name] LIKE 'StackExchange.%.Exported' THEN Substring([Name], 15, Len([Name])-23) + '.stackexchange' WHEN [Name] LIKE '%.Meta.Exported' THEN 'meta.' + Left([Name], Len([Name])-14) ELSE Left([Name], Len([Name])-9) END) + '.com'''), '~.', '[' + Name + ']..'), '~~', '~') + @Separator FROM sys.Databases WHERE Name LIKE '%.Exported' -- omit metas, except MetaSO AND (NOT Name LIKE '%.Meta.Exported' OR Name = 'StackOverflow.Meta') FOR XML PATH('') -- Concatenate the rows, thanks to ), '>', '>'), '<', '<'), '&', '&') -- we used FOR XML, so we need to de-XMLify /* Add the prelude and postlude */ SELECT @Query = ' SELECT * FROM ( ' + Substring(@Query, 1, Len(@Query) - Len(@Separator)) + ' ) AS FromAllSites ORDER BY Reputation ' /* And go! */ -- PRINT @Query EXEC sp_executesql @Query