Date of last post for tag badge owners


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select U.Id as [User Link], LP.LastPostDate
from Users U
inner join Badges B on B.UserId = U.Id
inner join (
  select P.OwnerUserId, max(P.CreationDate) as LastPostDate
  from Posts P
  group by P.OwnerUserId
  ) LP on LP.OwnerUserId = U.Id
where B.Class = ##BadgeClass?1##
  and B.TagBased = 1
  and B.Name = '##Tag?haskell##'
  and datediff(day, LP.LastPostDate, getdate()) >= ##MinElapsedDays?0##
  and datediff(day, LP.LastPostDate, getdate()) <= ##MaxElapsedDays?3650000##
order by LP.LastPostDate desc

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