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WITH FirstAnswers AS ( SELECT Q.Id , Q.CreationDate AS QuestionTime , min(A.CreationDate) AS AnswerTime FROM Posts AS Q LEFT JOIN Posts AS A ON Q.Id = A.ParentId inner join PostTags on Q.Id = PostTags.PostId inner join Tags on Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId where Tags.TagName in ('##TagName##') GROUP BY Q.Id, Q.CreationDate ), AnswerTime AS ( SELECT Id , QuestionTime , AnswerTime , datediff(second, QuestionTime, AnswerTime) / 3600.0 AS ElapsedHours , dateadd(m, datediff(m, 0, QuestionTime), 0) AS Month FROM FirstAnswers ) SELECT Month , count(QuestionTime) AS [Question count] , count(AnswerTime) as [Answered questions] , (cast(count(AnswerTime) as float) / cast(count(QuestionTime) as float)) as [Answer rate] , avg(ElapsedHours) AS [Average time to first answer (Hours)] FROM AnswerTime GROUP BY Month ORDER BY Month;