All non-CW questions with at least 1000 views ordered by votes ascending so that the least popular of the questions is on top
Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
-- Most popular bad questions -- All non-CW questions with at least 1000 views ordered by votes ascending so that the least popular of the questions is on top Select TOP 5 question.Id as [Post Link], question.Score, question.AnswerCount as "Answer Count", question.ViewCount, t.TagName from Posts as question JOIN PostTypes ty ON ty.Id = question.PostTypeId JOIN PostTags questiont ON question.Id = questiont.PostId JOIN Tags t ON t.Id = questiont.TagId where question.CommunityOwnedDate is null and question.PostTypeId=1 and question.ViewCount > 1 and ty.Name = 'Question' order by question.Score asc, question.ViewCount desc