Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers
select Q.Id as [Post Link], Q.Score, Q.ViewCount, ShortLInkAnswers.Count as NumShortLinkAnswers from Posts as Q inner join PostHistory H ON H.PostId = Q.Id inner join (select count(*) as Count, A.ParentID from Posts as A where A.posttypeid = 2 and A.body like '%http://%' and len(A.body) between 40 and 80 group by A.ParentID ) as ShortLinkAnswers on ShortLinkAnswers.ParentID = Q.Id where Q.posttypeid = 1 and Q.ClosedDate is null and ShortLinkAnswers.count >= 0 AND Q.Score <= 25 group by Q.Id, Q.Score, Q.ViewCount, ShortLInkAnswers.Count having SUM(CASE WHEN H.PostHistoryTypeId = 14 THEN -1 WHEN H.PostHistoryTypeId = 15 then 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 0 order by Q.score desc, Q.ViewCount Desc