SELECT * FROM Badges WHERE Name = 'Enlightened' AND "Dat...


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Stack Overflow

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-- [Enter Query Title]
--select count(id) from posts;

SELECT * FROM Badges WHERE Name = 'Enlightened' AND "Date" LIKE '2016%';

--INNER JOIN Badges ON Users.Id = Badges.Id;


--SELECT * From Users where Reputation = '1194368'

--SELECT MAX(Reputation), DisplayName AS Reputation FROM Users;

--What is the name of the most reputable "South Africa" user and
--how many "Enlightened" badges did they receive in 2016?

--SELECT top 5 DisplayName, Location
--FROM Users
--INNER JOIN Badges ON Users.Id = Badges.Id
--WHERE Location LIKE '%South Africa' 
--ORDER BY Reputation DESC;

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