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select dateadd(m,  -datediff(m, p.creationdate, getdate()),getdate())
     , sum(case 
          when tagname ='python' 
          then 1 
          else 0
          end) as [Python]
     , sum(case 
          when tagname ='java' 
          then 1 
          else 0
          end) as [java]
     , sum(case 
          when tagname ='c#' 
          then 1 
          else 0
          end) as [c#]
from posts p
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid =
inner join tags t on = pt.tagid
where tagname in ('python', 'java', 'c#')
and p.creationdate < eomonth(getdate(),-1)
group by datediff(m, p.creationdate, getdate())
order by 1 desc

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