Populist candidates


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Questions where your answer has at least twice the score of the accepted answer which in turn must have a score of 9 or higher

Stack Overflow

Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers

-- Populist candidates
-- Questions where your answer has at least twice the score of the accepted answer, which in turn must have a score of 9 or higher

 q.id as [Post Link],
 aa.score as [Accepted Score],
 au.id as [User Link],
 ya.score as [Your Score]
 Posts q,
 Posts aa,
 Posts ya,
 Users au
 ya.ownerUserId = ##UserId##
 and ya.score > 16
 and ya.parentId = q.id
 and q.acceptedAnswerId = aa.id
 and aa.ownerUserId = au.id
 and au.id != ##UserId##
 and aa.score > 8
 and ya.score > aa.score * 2

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