Average time to first answer (parameterized)


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Rewrite of http://data.stackexchange.com/codereview/query/211467/average-time-to-in-seconds-to-answer-a-question-by-language-tag in response to http://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/58668/average-time-to-first-answer. See http://codereview.stackexchange.com/a/58679/9357 for an explanation.

Stack Overflow

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-- declare @AnswerTime table (Id int, CreateTime date, AnswerTime date, Elapse int, Tags nvarchar(150) ) 

-- insert @AnswerTime
Select Q.Id, max(Q.CreationDate) AS CreateTime, min(A.CreationDate) AS AnswerTime, 
       DATEDIFF(second, max(Q.CreationDate), min(A.CreationDate)) AS Elapse,
       substring(Q.Tags, 1,CHARINDEX('>', Q.Tags)) as V1
From   Posts Q, Posts A 
Where  Q.PostTypeId = 1
  and  Q.Id = A.ParentId
Group by Q.Id, Q.Tags
Order by Elapse;

-- select * from Posts where ID=3021;

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