Tags that can be cleared of votes


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This query list tags and it's number of posts in the CVQ with the following consditions: - Not in the top 10 of questions with CV's - tag is used on questions with 5 other tags - tag is used on questions in the top 10 with CV

Statistical Analysis

Q&A for people interested in statistics, machine learning, data analysis, data mining, and data visualization

with toptagsinCVQ as (
    select top 10 
           pt.tagid -- ,count(*) 
    from   posts p
    inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.id
    where exists ( select 1 
               from pendingflags pf 
               where pf.postid = p.id)
    group by pt.tagid
    order by count(*) desc
select t.tagname 
     , count(*)
from posts p
inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.id
inner join posttags mt on mt.postid = p.id
inner join pendingflags pf on pf.postid = p.id
inner join tags m on m.id = mt.tagid
inner join tags t on t.id = pt.tagid and t.id <> m.id
-- which major tags...
mt.tagid in ( select tagid from toptagsinCVQ)
-- only have posts with 5 tags
-- assumption is that these type of questions
-- have a major tag and a couple of minor ones
and p.id in (select p.id
   from posts p
   inner join posttags pt on pt.postid = p.id
   group by p.id
   having count(*)> 4)
-- filter out the  top tags
and pt.tagid not in ( select tagid from toptagsinCVQ)
-- what the CVQ room already cleared
and t.tagname not in (
group by t.tagname
having count(*) < 500
order by 2 desc

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