balance view


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    id                 integer                 NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    name               varchar(64)               NOT NULL,
    address            varchar(42)               NOT NULL,
    symbol             varchar(10)               NOT NULL,
    network            varchar(10)               NOT NULL,
    type               varchar(100)  NOT NULL,

    id                 integer                NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    account_id         integer REFERENCES #account (id) NOT NULL,
    amount             bigint                   NOT NULL,
    currency_type      varchar(100)  NOT NULL,
    balance_type       varchar(100) NOT NULL,
    network            varchar(10)              NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO #account(id,name,address,symbol,network,type) VALUES (1,'test','test','test','test','test');
INSERT INTO #balance(id,account_id,amount,currency_type,balance_type,network) VALUES (1,1,10000,'test','test','test');
INSERT INTO #balance(id,account_id,amount,currency_type,balance_type,network) VALUES (2,1,10000,'test','test','test');
INSERT INTO #balance(id,account_id,amount,currency_type,balance_type,network) VALUES (3,1,10000,'test','test','test');
INSERT INTO #balance(id,account_id,amount,currency_type,balance_type,network) VALUES (4,2,10000,'test','test','test');
INSERT INTO #balance(id,account_id,amount,currency_type,balance_type,network) VALUES (5,2,-70000,'test','test','test');
INSERT INTO #balance(id,account_id,amount,currency_type,balance_type,network) VALUES (6,2,100000,'test','test','test');

-- aggregated view of the sum of all account balances per account id
SELECT account_id, sum(amount) from #balance GROUP BY account_id;

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