Based on Q#734, the accepted answer in meta
Q&A for folks dedicated to a lifestyle that can be maintained indefinitely without depleting available resources
-- Modified to left Join Journey to be a Generalist -- Based on Q#734, the accepted answer in meta with top40 as ( select top 40, t.tagname from tags t inner join posttags pt on pt.tagid = group by t.tagname, order by count(pt.postid) desc ), myanswers as( select p.parentid, p.score from posts p where p.owneruserid = ##UserID## and p.communityowneddate is null ) select t40.tagname as 'Tag', sum(p1.score) as 'Score', case when sum(p1.score) >= 15 then ':-)' else ':-(' end as 'Status' from top40 t40 INNER JOIN posttags pt1 ON pt1.tagid = LEFT JOIN myanswers p1 ON pt1.postid = p1.parentid group by t40.tagname