My rejected edits


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Shows all my suggested edits that were rejected by the reviewers.

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-- My rejected edits
-- Shows all my suggested edits that were rejected by the reviewers.
-- Works for all StackExchange sites

DECLARE @site VARCHAR (500), @name VARCHAR(500)
DECLARE @idx_exported INT, @idx_meta INT, @idx_se INT
SET @name = db_name()
SET @site = 'stackoverflow'
SET @idx_exported = PATINDEX('%.Exported', @name)
SET @idx_meta = PATINDEX('%.Meta.%', @name)
SET @idx_se = PATINDEX('StackExchange.%', @name)
IF @idx_se = 1 
 IF @idx_meta = 0 SET @site=SUBSTRING(@name, 15, @idx_exported - 15) + '.stackexchange'
 ELSE SET @site='meta.' + SUBSTRING(@name, 15, @idx_meta - 15) + '.stackexchange'
 IF @idx_meta = 0 SET @site=SUBSTRING(@name, 1, @idx_exported - 1)
 ELSE SET @site='meta.' + SUBSTRING(@name, 1, @idx_meta - 1)

SET @site = 'http://' + LOWER(@site) + '.com'

select @site + '/suggested-edits/'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,id)+'|Suggested Edit #'+CONVERT(VARCHAR,id) [Suggested Edit Link], 
        PostId as [Post Link], Comment, CreationDate, RejectionDate
from SuggestedEdits 
where OwnerUserId = ##UserId## and RejectionDate is not null
order by RejectionDate desc

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