histogram of number of downvotes for a given user, date-limited


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Returns the distribution of scores on answers by a user during a given date interval. Not quite a histogram because the zeros don't get drawn.


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declare @EndDate datetime = (select case
  -- If we request 'today', actually use the date
  -- of the most recent transfer to this database,
  -- which may be as much as a week in the past.
  when lower(##EndDate:string?today##) = 'today' then max(CreationDate)
  -- Otherwise, specify the most recent date to include.
  else ##EndDate##
  from Posts
declare @StartDate datetime = dateadd(day, -1*##DaysBack?30##, @EndDate);

vote_info.downvotes AS Downvotes,
COUNT(answers.Id) AS 'Answers with Downvotes'
FROM Posts Questions 
INNER JOIN Posts answers ON answers.ParentId = Questions.Id
  SELECT downvotes=SUM(case when VoteTypeId = 3 then 1 else 0 end), PostId
  FROM Votes
  GROUP BY PostId) vote_info ON vote_info.PostId = answers.Id
WHERE answers.OwnerUserId = ##userId##
  AND questions.CommunityOwnedDate IS NULL
  AND answers.CreationDate between @StartDate and @EndDate
  --Exclude questions that were HNQ before the answer was posted
GROUP BY vote_info.downvotes
ORDER BY vote_info.downvotes;

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