distribution of up and down votes


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Ukrainian Language Meta

Q&A about the site for linguists, teachers and students of the Ukrainian language

with p as (
   select id
   from PostsWithDeleted
   where PostTypeId = 2
)   ,a as (
   select p.id,
       sum(case when v.votetypeid = 2 then 1 else 0 end) as upvotes, 
       sum(case when v.votetypeid = 3 then 1 else 0 end) as downvotes 
   from p join votes v 
   on p.id = v.PostId
   group by p.id
), m as (
    select upvotes, 
           count(id) as cnt,
       case when upvotes = 0 then 'up = 0'
               when upvotes = 1 then 'up = 1'
               when upvotes <= 5 then '2 <= up <= 5'
               when upvotes <= 10 then '6 <= up <= 10'
               else '11 <= up' 
       end as part
    from a 
    group by upvotes, downvotes
), sm as (
    select part, sum(cnt) as vsum
    from m
    group by part
),  pm as (
    select m.downvotes,
           sum(cnt)  as  psum       
    from m 
    group by m.downvotes, m.part

select pm.downvotes,
from pm join sm on pm.part = sm.part
order by pm.part, pm.downvotes

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