Test: List of Users in a given location - Case Sensitive


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List of Users in a given location. Case Sensitive

User Experience

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-- List of Users in a given location
-- Case Sensitive

  Id as [User Link],
from users
  where location like '%##location##'
  -- exclusions
     and not
               Location LIKE '%dummy%'
               --OR Location LIKE '%IRAQ%'
               --OR Location LIKE '%EIRE%'
               --OR Location LIKE '%IRC%'
               --OR Location LIKE '%IRI%'
               --OR Location LIKE '%IRS%'
               --OR Location LIKE '%IZMIR%'
               --or Location LIKE '%NAIROBI%'
               --or Location LIKE '%SIRACUSA%'
               --or Location LIKE '%THIRUVANANTHAPURAM%'
               --or Location LIKE '%VIRAMGAM%'
               --or Location LIKE '%YORKSHIRE%'

order by location asc -- to pick out incorrect results

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