Q&A for those committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and anyone interested in learning more
/* select * from posts where Id = 356123; select * from SuggestedEdits where PostId = 356123; select * from ReviewTasks rt inner join ReviewTaskResults rtr on rt.Id = rtr.ReviewTaskId where rt.PostId = 356123; select * from PostHistory where PostId = 356123; select top 10 PostId, Comment from (select PostId, Comment, row_number() over (partition by PostId order by CreationDate desc) as rownum from PostHistory) ph where rownum = 1; with YearlyTagCounts as ( select top 5 t.TagName, count(p.Id) as TotalPosts from Posts p, PostTags pt, Tags t where p.Id = pt.PostId and pt.TagId = t.Id and year(p.CreationDate) = year(getdate()) -- Filter posts created this year group by t.TagName order by COUNT(p.Id) desc ),*/ select top 100 * from Tags order by count desc;