Top 30 users as measured by ratio of downvotes to upvotes. Try running with (MinRep, MinDownVotes) = (1000, 5)
Q&A for those committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and anyone interested in learning more
-- Uncharitable users - users who downvote frequently -- Top 30 users as measured by ratio of downvotes to upvotes. Try running with (MinRep, MinDownVotes) = (1000, 5) select top 30 id as [User Link], round((100.0 * DownVotes) / Upvotes, 2) as [Ratio %], Reputation as Rep, UpVotes as [+ Votes], DownVotes [- Votes] from Users where Reputation > ##MinRep## and DownVotes > ##MinDownVotes## and UpVotes > 0 order by [Ratio %] desc