Q&A for those committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and anyone interested in learning more
-- Tags: Spelling variants (AE/BE: z/s) with PostCounts as ( select Tags.Id as TagId, count(Posts.Id) as PostCount from Posts inner join PostTags on Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId inner join Tags on PostTags.TagId = Tags.Id group by Tags.Id ), Variants as ( select * from (select replace(TagName, 's', 'z') as vname, * from tags) as r where vname != tagname ) select Tags.TagName, tc.PostCount, Variants.TagName, vc.PostCount from Tags inner join Variants on Tags.tagName = Variants.vname inner join PostCounts tc on Tags.Id = tc.TagId inner join PostCounts vc on Variants.Id = vc.TagId order by vc.PostCount desc;