select 'Snowflake' as tag, concat(year(creationdate),form...


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select 'Snowflake' as tag,
       concat(year(creationdate),format(month(creationdate),'0#')) as period, 
       count(id) as counts
from posts
where creationdate>='2020-01-01' and tags like '%snowflake%'
group by concat(year(creationdate),format(month(creationdate),'0#'))

union all

select 'BigQuery' as tag,
       concat(year(creationdate),format(month(creationdate),'0#')) as period, 
       count(id) as counts
from posts
where creationdate>='2020-01-01' and tags like '%bigquery%'
group by concat(year(creationdate),format(month(creationdate),'0#'))
order by concat(year(creationdate),format(month(creationdate),'0#'))

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