Total system reputation


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Vegetarianism Meta

Q&A about the site for those committed to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle and anyone interested in learning more

select sum(Reputation) "Total reputation"
from Users;

select sum(iif(VoteTypeId = 1, 17, 0)) Accepted, -- Count both the asker and the answerer!
       sum(iif(VoteTypeId = 2 and PostTypeId = 1, 5, 0)) "Question upvotes",
       sum(iif(VoteTypeId = 2 and PostTypeId = 2, 10, 0)) "Answer upvotes",
       sum(iif(VoteTypeId = 3 and PostTypeId = 1, -2, 0)) "Question downvotes",
       sum(iif(VoteTypeId = 3 and PostTypeId = 2, -3, 0)) "Answer downvotes", -- Don't forget the vote penalty!      
       sum(iif(VoteTypeId = 16, 2, 0)) Edits,
             when VoteTypeId = 1 then 17
             when VoteTypeId = 2 and PostTypeId = 1 then 5
             when VoteTypeId = 2 and PostTypeId = 2 then 10
             when VoteTypeId = 3 and PostTypeId = 1 then -2
             when VoteTypeId = 3 and PostTypeId = 2 then -3
             when VoteTypeId = 16 then 2
             end)+(select count(*) from Users) "Fake Total"
from Votes v 
     join Posts p 
            on PostId = p.Id
            and v.CreationDate < isnull(CommunityOwnedDate, getdate())

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