How many users can do x? (Updated thresholds)


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How many users have permissions to do special things on the site. Updated thresholds


Q&A for pro webmasters

-- How many users can do x? (Updated thresholds)
-- How many users have permissions to do special things on the site.
-- Updated thresholds

create table #RepCohorts
 Ability text,
 MinRep int

insert into #RepCohorts (Ability, MinRep)
select 'Registered', 0 union all
select 'Flag offensive', 15 union all
select 'Vote up', 15 union all
select 'Comment', 50 union all
select 'Edit CW', 100 union all
select 'Vote down', 125 union all
select 'Reduced avertising', 200 union all
select 'Close/re-open/migrate own questions', 250 union all
select 'Create tags', 300 union all
select 'Retag questions', 500 union all
select 'See total upvotes/downvotes', 1000 union all
select 'Edit non-CW posts', 2000 union all
select 'Close/re-open/migrate questions', 3000 union all
select 'Approve/reject suggested tag wiki edits', 5000 union all
select 'Mod tools', 10000 union all
select 'Protect questions', 15000 union all
select 'Trusted user', 20000

  select count(u.Id)
  from Users u
  where u.Reputation >= rc.MinRep
 ) as UserCount
from #RepCohorts rc

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