How many of their own questions has a user answered?
Q&A for pro webmasters
-- Self-answered questions -- How many of their own questions has a user answered? select Q.OwnerUserId as [User Link], Q.OwnerUserId [User ID], Count(distinct A.ParentID) [Self-Answered], count(*) [Questions], convert(decimal(10,2),100) * Count(distinct A.ParentID) / count(*) [Percentage], rank() over (order by convert(decimal(10,2),100) * Count(distinct A.ParentID) / count(*) desc) [Rank] from Posts Q left join Posts A on Q.Id = A.ParentId and Q.OwnerUserId = A.OwnerUserId where Q.OwnerUserId is not null and Q.PostTypeId = 1 group by Q.OwnerUserId having count(*) > 100 order by case when Q.OwnerUserID != ##UserId## then 1 end, Percentage desc