Show the tags that were the sole tag on the first revision of a post. For each tag, show the number of posts that started out with just this tag.
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-- Posts where the first revision had a single tag -- Show the tags that were the sole tag on the first revision of a post. -- For each tag, show the number of posts that started out with just this tag. SELECT '(total)' As [Tag], Count(*) As [Posts] FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId = 3 AND PatIndex('%àé%', Text) = 0 GROUP BY PostHistoryTypeId UNION SELECT Replace(Substring(Text, 2, Len(Text) - 2), 'ö', '-') As [Tag], Count(*) As [Posts] FROM PostHistory WHERE PostHistoryTypeId = 3 AND PatIndex('%àé%', Text) = 0 GROUP BY Text ORDER BY Posts DESC