Get all the questions where you had some interaction with another user
Q&A for pro webmasters
-- Relationship with other user -- Get all the questions where you had some interaction with another user declare @UserId int = ##UserId##; declare @Other int = ##OtherUser##; declare @result table (id int); insert @result SELECT DISTINCT( as id FROM Posts a1 JOIN Posts q ON q.ID = a1.ParentID WHERE (a1.OwnerUserID = @UserId AND q.OwnerUserID = @Other ) OR (q.OwnerUserID = @UserId AND a1.OwnerUserID = @Other ); insert @result SELECT DISTINCT(p.parentId) as id FROM Posts p JOIN Comments c ON c.PostId = p.Id WHERE (p.OwnerUserID = @UserId AND c.UserId = @Other ) OR (p.OwnerUserID = @Other AND c.UserId = @UserId ) insert @result SELECT DISTINCT(a.parentId) as id FROM Comments c1 JOIN Comments c2 ON c1.PostId = c2.PostId JOiN Posts a ON a.ID = c1.PostId WHERE c1.ID != c2.ID AND ( (c1.UserId = @UserId AND c2.UserId = @Other ) OR (c1.UserId = @Other AND c2.UserId = @UserId ) ) SELECT distinct(id) as [Post Link] FROM @result