Tags without Tag wikis [not working]


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The idea is to show tags with no description, ordered by question count The current problem is I have no idea how to join Posts with Tags PostTags does not do that, it is used to tag posts.


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-- Tags without Tag wikis
-- The idea is to show tags with no description, ordered by question count
-- The current problem is I have no idea how to join Posts with Tags
-- PostTags does not do that, it is used to tag posts.

--Tag descriptions are handled like posts, here the minecraft tag
--select * from Posts
--where Id = 8582 -- note 8582
--where Body like '%is an exploration and survival based sandbox game%'

--The Minecraft tag in the Tags table:
--select *
--from Tags
--where id = 1190 --Different from the PostsId. 

select * 
from PostHistory ph
where PostId = 8582

--select * from PostHistoryTypes
--where PostId = 2

--select * from Tags where Id = 2

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