A query to help look for spam--finds short posts containing URLs, and shows the ratio of such posts to total posts, per-user. Lots of these are at least borderline spam, and most of the rest are probably poor quality posts anyway. Whee!
Q&A for pro webmasters
select u.id as [User Link], u.reputation as [User Rep], p.n as [Total Posts], bad.n as [Dubious Posts], cast(bad.n as float) / cast (p.n as float) as [Ratio] from users u inner join ( select p.owneruserid as uid, count(p.id) as n from posts p group by p.owneruserid ) p on p.uid = u.id -- count all posts by user inner join ( select p.owneruserid as uid, count(p.id) as n from posts p where len(p.body) < 250 -- short posts and p.body like '%http://%' -- that contain a URL group by p.owneruserid ) bad on bad.uid = u.id where p.n > 2 -- users with at least a few posts and cast(bad.n as float) / cast (p.n as float) > 0.5 -- most of which are dubious order by [Ratio] desc