Highest hitrate non-CW questions, (presumably) what questions are viewed the most per time unit from Google searches.
Q&A for pro webmasters
-- Highest view rate questions (non-Community Wiki). [4] -- Highest hitrate non-CW questions, (presumably) what questions are viewed the most per time unit from Google searches. SELECT TOP 100 p.Id as [Post Link], p.Id as [Post ID], Score as [Votes], ViewCount as [Views], DATEDIFF(day, p.CreationDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as Age, p.ViewCount / DATEDIFF(day, p.CreationDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) as [View rate] FROM Posts p WHERE p.ViewCount > 25 AND --On Stack Overflow there are 100 non-CW post with more than about 28000. p.CommunityOwnedDate is null and -- Field CommunityOwnedDate is absent for non-CW posts. p.ViewCount / DATEDIFF(day, p.CreationDate, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) > 50 -- ViewCount / age > ORDER BY [View Rate] DESC