AskUbuntu User Counts by Reputation and Privileges


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Generates a query to the AskUbuntu system which will display counts of users of whom have certain reputation levels. There will be duplicate user counts as some privileges have the same required reputation. NOTE!!! This query was built only around the AskUbuntu reputation and privilege levels, and is not guaranteed to work on other sites in the StackExchange network!!!!!!!!!!


Q&A for pro webmasters

-- AskUbuntu User Counts by Reputation and Privileges
-- Generates a query to the AskUbuntu system which will display counts of users of whom have certain reputation levels.  There will be duplicate user counts as some privileges have the same required reputation.  NOTE!!! This query was built only around the AskUbuntu reputation and privilege levels, and is not guaranteed to work on other sites in the StackExchange network!!!!!!!!!!

create table #RepCohorts
 Ability text,
 MinRep int
insert into #RepCohorts (Ability, MinRep)
select 'Trusted user', 20000 union all
select 'Protect questions', 15000 union all
select 'Access to moderator tools', 10000 union all
select 'Approve tag wiki edits', 5000 union all
select 'Cast close and reopen votes', 3000 union all
select 'Create tag synonyms', 2500 union all
select 'Edit questions and answers', 2000 union all
select 'Create gallery chat rooms', 1000 union all
select 'View vote counts', 1000 union all
select 'Retag questions', 500 union all
select 'Create tags', 300 union all
select 'View close votes', 250 union all
select 'Vote down', 125 union all
select 'Create chat rooms', 100 union all
select 'Edit community wiki', 100 union all
select 'Set bounties', 75 union all
select 'Comment everywhere', 50 union all
select 'Talk in Chat', 20 union all
select 'Flag posts', 15 union all
select 'Vote up', 15 union all
select 'Create Wiki Posts', 10 union all
select 'Remove New User Restrictions', 10 union all
select 'Participate in meta', 5 union all
select 'Registered or Anonymous users who can post', 1
  select count(u.Id)
  from Users u
  where u.Reputation >= rc.MinRep 
    and not u.DisplayName = 'Anonymous'
    and not u.DisplayName = 'anonymous'
) as UserCount
from #RepCohorts rc

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