How many edits until Copy Editor (proper)?


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Shows a user's total edits so far, how many edits until the "Strunk and White" (now 80 at SO) badge, and how many edits until the "Copy Editor" badge (now 500 at SO).


Q&A for pro webmasters

-- How many edits until Copy Editor (proper)?
-- Shows a user's total edits so far, how many edits until the "Strunk and White" (now 80 at SO)
-- badge, and how many edits until the "Copy Editor" badge (now 500 at SO).
-- 2011-12-18 Fix: multiple edits on the same post count once only.
-- only edits to title and body count, editing tags alone does not.
-- Source of info:

DECLARE @USER int = ##UserId##;

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ph.PostId) AS 'Number of Edits', -- every post counts once only
       80  - COUNT(DISTINCT ph.PostId) AS 'Edits until "Strunk and White"',
       500 - COUNT(DISTINCT ph.PostId) AS 'Edits until "Copy Editor"'
FROM   PostHistory ph
JOIN   Posts p ON p.Id = ph.PostId AND p.OwnerUserId <> @User
WHERE  ph.UserId = @User
AND    ph.PostHistoryTypeId BETWEEN 4 AND 5 -- only edits to title & body count

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