SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE (LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%tenso...


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SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE (LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%tensorflow%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%tesseract%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%pytorch%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%keras%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%theano%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%caffe%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%mxnet%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%cntk%' OR LOWER(Posts.Tags) LIKE '%dl4j%') AND Posts.CreationDate <= CAST('2020-10-25 23:59:59.999' AS datetime) AND LOWER(Posts.Body) LIKE '%prometheus%';

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