declare @TotalRep bigint declare @UserCount bigint declar...


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declare @TotalRep bigint
declare @UserCount bigint
declare @Top10RepTotal decimal(18,4)
declare @Bottom90RepTotal decimal(18,4)

select @TotalRep = sum(reputation) from users

select @UserCount = count(1) from users where reputation > 0

select @Top10RepTotal = sum(tmp.rep) from
          (select top(10) percent reputation as rep
           from users
           -- where reputation > 1
           order by reputation desc) as tmp

select @Bottom90RepTotal = sum(tmp.rep) from
          (select top(90) percent reputation as rep
           from users
           -- where reputation > 1
           order by reputation) as tmp

select @TotalRep TotalRep,
       @UserCount UserCount,
       @Top10RepTotal Top10RepTotal,
       @Bottom90RepTotal Bottom90RepTotal,
       cast((@Top10RepTotal/@TotalRep)*100 as decimal(18,4)) Top10PercentageOfRep,
       cast((@Bottom90RepTotal/@TotalRep)*100 as decimal(18,4)) Bottom90PercentageOfRep

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