Q&A for pro webmasters
-- Find Stack Overflow Users In any location (with user-links) and their score for a particular Tag -- A simply query to find users in your city or country. Added user links. select us.Id [User Link], us.Reputation, us.DisplayName, us.Location, tuser.Score from Users us JOIN (SELECT Answers.OwnerUserId AS UserId, SUM(Answers.Score) AS Score FROM Tags JOIN PostTags ON Tags.Id = PostTags.TagId JOIN Posts ON Posts.Id = PostTags.PostId JOIN Posts Answers ON Answers.ParentId = Posts.Id WHERE Tags.TagName = '##TagName##' GROUP BY Answers.OwnerUserId ) tuser ON tuser.UserId = us.Id where UPPER(us.Location) like UPPER('%##Location##%') AND tuser.Score >= 1 order by tuser.Score desc